These are statues that were scattered around the grounds of a beach resort. It was like a tropical garden. There were pathways through the grounds and some of these statues were tucked away among the flora and fauna. My host told me the going price for a cabin here at this resort and frankly I thought it was a little expensive. The beach front was rustic. To me it projected solitude. If I was looking for a place to get away and contemplate or write this might make the price a little more attractive. I was truely a beautiful location. Beautiful in a way that I did not expect.
The beach here along the Arabian sea was rustic in most places we looked. The surf was heavy and color of the sea reminded me a lot of the atlantic along the Jersy shore. There was a lot of volcanic rock in places and the surf provided a lot of excitement pounding away at the remnants of ancient eruptions.
In the location shown below, a river flowed into the Arabian sea. We spent some time on this point. The picutres above were taken in this location. There was a bridge crossing the river at this point. From the bridge I photgraphed the train shown in the composite photo.
This photo was taken from Mr. Shanmogan's yard. The house was in a beautiful setting filled with interesting and picturesque flora and fauna.
I generated the composite photo below to show two different views. In the top photo of the train, a hilltop can be seen in the upper right of the photo. That hilltop was the location of a Hindu temple, Niram Katha Katta. We spent time there at sunrise and sunset. It turned to be one of my favorite locations. You could look back and see the point where we spent time and the bridge I stood on to photograph the train. That view is shown in the lower half of the composite.
This final photo was taken from the temple hilltop at sunrise. It is a humid area as witnessed by the heavy mist at sunrise. It made for an intersesting and misterious view.