Saturday, July 17, 2010

We Have a Winner!

Ok winners.  Get in.  Everybody be sure and have a second helping of the green chutney.  Second prize folks, when we head back you guys will be in the second wave.

A golf couse.  Who knew.  Here's the thing.  If you're playing 18 at Pretty Praire and you hit a ball off the course onto Tyler road what's the probability that it'll hit a car?  0.001.  Here if you hit a ball off the course and onto the road the probability that it'll hit a car, topple a rick, kill a cow, start a riot and conclude with a 3 day bandh is 0.9.  Hence the nets.  Big nets.  I was astounded when I first saw this. 

I thought, "Boy, some folks are goin' to a lot of trouble to cling to the perks of their status."

As for Bangalore's finest, well they were curious.  Indians are by nature curious and not at all bashful about coming right up to you to satisfy their curiosity.  They were friendly and we visited for a while.  They let me take their picture.  They were reluctant at first but finally agreed.  While we were standing their a street vendor came up.  He looked a lot like pigpen from Charles Shulz.  In his hand he was cupping a 100 rupee note, and trying to say something to the officers.  They wouldn't talk to him and ran him off.  My guess is it was a bribe or rather a fee paid to work their intersection.  At any rate they pretended no to be interesed in the 100 rupees.  I'm guessing it was because I was standing there with a camera.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dad, Very interesting! Nice photos! I like the cow sequence...
